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$0 Fee* First-Time Online Money Transfers from Canada

NEW! $0 Fees* on Your First In-App or Online Money Transfer from Canada

For a limited time, get $0 fees* on worldwide money transfers when you send from Canada in the highly-rated MoneyGram® app or online!

Don't wait to take advantage of affordable and convenient transfers to over 200 countries and territories from Canada.

Our robust and reliable global network allows you to send to 5 billion digital accounts and 430,000 locations without leaving the house.

Getting money to your loved ones is fast and easy:

  1. Download the MoneyGram® : Send Money Online app or visit the MoneyGram Canada website.
  2. Select your receive country and amount of your online money transfer.
  3. Create Account
  4. Unlock $0 fees* and send money home!

Get your special offer in the app or online while it lasts!

*Currency exchange rate may apply. MoneyGram makes money from currency exchange. Offer valid until July 31, 2023.