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Celebrate Dads This Father’s Day by Sending Money Online

Thank Your Dad This Father’s Day

There are many thoughtful and affordable ways to celebrate dads from afar this Father's Day. Sending your dad a MoneyGram money transfer allows him to buy what he wants or needs. To show your appreciation this holiday, include one of these special gifts with your money transfer:

  1. Plan a virtual nature walk

Explore a new trail with your dad during a video call on Father’s Day to create a lasting memory no matter how far you are.  

  1. Host a virtual watch party

Stream your dad’s favorite sporting event or movie together without booking a flight. Don’t forget to send him a money transfer with MoneyGram before the big day to help pay for snacks!

  1. Arrange a game night

From video games to board games or cards, your dad would love to spend this Father's Day with a virtual game night.

  1. Customize an e-card

Make a Father’s Day e-card your own by including a funny story and a unique design.

  1. Send Money. The BEST gift for Father’s Day.

Give Money for Father’s Day. Send Money Internationally or within Canada or the United States.

A father's unwavering love and support know no bounds. On this special holiday, continue his tradition of giving by showing appreciation for all he does with a money transfer. Experience our fast, simple, and reliable money transfers online at MoneyGram.com and through the MoneyGram® app to tell him you care from anywhere. 

Visit the MoneyGram® Canada Website, the MoneyGram® United States website to Send Money Online for Father’s Day. Download the MoneyGram© Send Money Online App for Canada or the MoneyGram® Money Transfers App for the United States to send money from your Android or Apple Phone.