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Send with great exchange rates this Diwali

Send money back home with great exchange rates this Diwali

With MoneyGram, you can help your loved ones prepare for a bright and festive Diwali with a fast, easy, reliable money transfer.

Make the most of great exchange rates and low fees in the highly rated MoneyGram app, or send from our website, 24/7. Want to send money in-store? Visit a convenient MoneyGram location near you.

Plus, you can send to various receive methods, making it easy for your friends and family to get their funds. Transfer money directly to bank accounts, Visa and Mastercard debit cards or send to their local MoneyGram store.

Here’s how you can send money in 3 steps:

  1. First, download the MoneyGram app, visit our website or head to your nearest MoneyGram location.
  2. Tell us where and how much you wish to transfer.
  3. Lastly, pick a payment and receive method, review the transfer details and send!

It’s that easy. Start your first Diwali transfer in the MoneyGram app today!