June 12, 2023 • News and Promotions~MoneyGram Promotions
For the US and many other countries, Father's Day is the third Sunday in June - and it's the perfect time to add up all the ways his advice and support have touched your life over the years.
Even when you can't celebrate with Dad in person, there are plenty of ways to show him how much he means to you.
Create a playlist of his favorite songs. Online music stores make it easy and affordable to compile a playlist that's sure to make Dad smile. Choose songs that remind you both of special moments and family milestones.
Enjoy streaming content together. If you both subscribe to the same streaming service, look for apps that make it easy to sync Dad's favorite movie and watch it together in real time.
Share your top 'Dad moments.' From serious conversations to funny stories, fathers don't always realize which bits of advice, everyday habits or special events we'll remember. Father's Day is a great time to let him know which moments mattered most to you.